Mason Jar Fruit Infusion Drink Lid


Jarware Mason Jar Fruit Infusion Drink Lid

Availability: In stock

The Jarware Mason Fruit Infusion Drink Lid makes your average canning jar into the best drink cup ever. Simply add your favourite fruit, fresh herbs, or vegetables to the jar, add water, and top with the lid. The water infuses with your added flavours without you having to filter it through your teeth. Made of BPA free, recycled materials, this lid is dishwasher safe. The lid snaps open and closed, providing you with a drip-free seal when properly secured. The Jarware Mason Jar Fruit Infusion Drink Lid fits regular sized mouth jars only. We recommend using 16 oz. Ball, Kerr, Kilner or Anchor Hocking jars for the best results.

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 7 cm


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