Mason Jar Jelly/Jam Lids


Jarware Mason Jar Jelly/Jam Lids

Availability: In stock

Jarware Mason Jar Jelly/Jam Lids are perfect for any jarred items you want to keep in a Mason jar. Each Jarware package comes with four reusable, colourful lids. The lids are dishwasher safe, and fit standard 4, 8, 16, or 32 ounce Mason jars. Now you can close your jams or jellies without worrying about the condition of the sealer lid after you’ve opened it. Remember, you need to supply the Mason jar. Use Ball, Kerr, Kilner or Anchor Hocking jars for the best results.  This Mason jar accessory fits regular mouth jars only.

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 3 cm


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