Does Cold Brew Taste Different?
How is Nitro Cold Brew Made?
At Cupper’s Coffee & Tea, we make new batches of cold brew quite often for our iced coffee drinks. We always use our fresh roasted coarse ground coffee and fresh cold water in a large container. The cold brew then steeps in our big fridges for 12 hours. When the coffee has finished steeping we filter out the grounds. Then we pour the coffee into a keg that’s the same as a pop or beer keg. We place the keg into our under-counter fridge and hook it up to a tank of nitrogen gas. From there, our baristas pour the Brew from a tap on demand… much like a Guinness beer.
In addition to our nitro on tap, we also have BAD Coffee Nitro Cold Brew in cans. These are available year-round at Cupper’s. The bonus with these is they don’t have to be refrigerated. So if you’re on the road or out camping, simply chill one and crack it open anytime you need the creamy, rich boost!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is nitro brew with sweet cream?
This is a special treat! To make it with sweet cream, add some cereal cream and vanilla to your brew after pouring it.
What does nitrogen do to cold brew?
Nitrogen adds a smooth texture to the already sweet, low-acid cold brew.
Can nitro cold brew go bad?
Yes. The longer a nitro brew is open, the more nitrogen will escape, making it a regular but flat cold brew. In addition, we don’t recommend drinking any cold brew that is more than 2 weeks old.
Can cold brew be decaf?
You definitely can make your nitro brew as a decaf. If you want to know more about decaf coffee check out our decaf coffee offerings.
Does cold brew have more caffeine?
Nitro does not have more caffeine than a regular cold brew coffee. But it is important to remember that cold brew steeps the coffee grounds for a long time. Thus both cold brew and nitro brew have more caffeine than regular hot coffee.
Where can I get nitro cold brew?
You can get Nitro on tap from Cupper’s Coffee & Tea. We also have canned our Bad Coffee Nitro. This is sold in many local cafes and at Cupper’s Coffee & Tea.
Does nitro cold brew have ice?
You absolutely can put ice in your Brew if you’d like. We’re not the boss of you. 🙂
Does nitro cold brew have dairy?
No. It is completely dairy free. This is a common question though. It’s just the nitrogen that makes it taste so smooth and creamy.
Does nitro cold brew have sugar?
No. It is completely sugar free, unless you choose to add some sweetener or syrup.
Is nitro cold brew vegan?
Yes. Any straight cold brew only contains coffee, water, and nitrogen.
Is nitro cold brew carbonated?
No. Nitro is infused with nitrogen so it is nitrogenated, not carbonated.
Is nitro cold brew keto?
Yes. Nitro coffee contains no calories or sugar. Feel free to dress it up with some of our delicious Monin Sugar Free Syrups.